A global citizen consultation on climate policy
Climate change and its consequences - I
1. 1 To what extent were you familiar with climate change and it’s consequences before joining WWViews?

    | I knew nothing
    | I knew little
    | I knew some
    | I knew a lot
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


Climate change and its consequences - II
1. 2 Having been presented with various assessments of climate change and its consequences, to what extent are you concerned about climate change?

    | Very concerned
    | Fairly concerned
    | Slightly concerned
    | Not concerned
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


Long-term goal, urgency and commitment - I
2.1 How urgent do you think it is to make a global climate deal?

    | It is urgent, and a deal should be made at COP15
    | It is important, but it can wait a few years
    | A deal can wait until serious effects of climate change occur
    | I do not want a global deal
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


Long-term goal, urgency and commitment - II
2.2 If a new climate deal is made at COP15, should the politicians in your country give high priority to joining it?

    | Yes
    | No
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


Long-term goal, urgency and commitment - III
2.3 What should be the long-term goal for limiting temperature increase?

    | A goal is not necessary
    | A larger increase than 2 degrees Celcius is acceptable
    | Limiting the increase to 2 degrees Celsius
    | Limiting the increase to the current level
    | Returning to the pre-industrial level
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


Long-term goal, urgency and commitment - IV
2.4 Should countries that do not meet their commitments under a new climate deal be subjected to punishment?

    | Yes, and the punishment should be so severe that no benefit can be gained by not meeting the commitments
    | Yes, and the punishment should be significant
    | Yes, but the punishment should be mostly symbolic
    | There should be no punishment
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


Dealing with greenhouse gas emissions - I
3.1 Do you think the short-term reduction target for developed countries should be

    | Higher than 40%
    | Between 25% and 40%
    | Lower than 25%
    | There should be no targets
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


Dealing with greenhouse gas emissions - II
3.2 What do you think the short-term target should be for Non-Annex 1 countries with substantial economic income and/or high emissions?

    | The same targets as for Annex 1 countries
    | Their emissions should be somewhat reduced and increasingly so the richer they are and the more they emit
    | Their growth in emissions should be somewhat limited and increasingly so the richer they are and the more they emit
    | They should not be committed to control their emissions in any way
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


Dealing with greenhouse gas emissions - III
3.3 What do you think the short-term target should be for lower-income developing countries?

    | The same targets as for Annex 1 countries
    | Their emissions should be somewhat reduced and increasingly so the richer they are and the more they emit
    | Their growth in emissions should be somewhat limited and increasingly so the richer they are and the more they emit
    | They should not be committed to control their emissions in any way
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


The economy of technology and adaptation - I
4.1 Should the price of fossil fuels be increased?

    | Yes, for all countries
    | Yes, but only for Annex 1 countries and countries with substantial economic income and/or high emissions
    | Yes, but only for Annex 1 countries
    | No, there should be no regulation of prices
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


The economy of technology and adaptation - II
4.2 Should a global financial system be instituted in order to generate funds for mitigation and adaptation in developing countries?

    | Yes
    | No
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


The economy of technology and adaptation - III
4.3 Which countries should be committed by a new climate deal to pay?

    | All countries
    | All countries (except the Least Developed Countries)
    | Annex 1 countries
    | No commitments should be determined
    | Don’t know / do not wish to answer


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